Lansmont Sponsors and Presents at GlobalPack 2012

GlobalPack 2012.


The week of July 23rd, Central Philippine University (CPU) will host GlobalPack 2012, in Iloilo City. This international packaging conference is expected to attract more than 500 attendees. Dr. Lejo Brana from CPU’s School of Packaging Engineering has coordinated the development and implementation of the GlobalPack program. Dr. Brana, a longtime friend of Lansmont, is a United States Packaging Hall of Famer, is a former ISTA Board director, and is a major contributor to the development of packaging technology and expertise in the Philippines. Lansmont is a Gold Sponsor of GlobalPack 2012.

Eric Joneson, our Vice President of Technology, will deliver a presentation titled, Transport Packaging Testing - A Major Prerequisite for Packaged Product Exports. David Jin, our Chief Asia Representative, will also be present to participate in the conference proceedings.

To further support the packaging program at Central Philippine University, Lansmont will provide a SAVER 3X90 Field Instrument as part of our conference sponsorship. Being an archipelago composed of more than 7000 islands, one can imagine that the Philippines has some unique logistics scenarios. CPU students will use the SAVER 3X90 to research the Philippine distribution environment and export channels that link this island nation.

Central Philippine University.