Lansmont Presents at World Packaging Conference

IAPRI - world packaging conference 2012.

The Cal Poly Packaging Program will host the 18th IAPRI World Packaging Conference June 17-21, 2012.

The event will coincide with the Cal Poly Packaging Program’s 25th anniversary.

Global packaging experts from academia and industry will gather in San Luis Obispo for four days of educational and informational activities. Lansmont Corporation is a Platinum sponsor of the event and we will be delivering a presentation that provides an update with respect to the PRC-PSD Study. 


Probability spectrum dataset. 


Lansmont Corporation and the China Packaging Research and Test Center (CPRTC) have been working together to capture representative, meaningful field data from mainland China using SAVER 3x90 instruments that will be used to recommend a China National Random Vibration Standard.

Our presentation will discuss the original intent of the PRC-PSD Study, revisit the data collection criteria, provide specific examples of the measurement vehicles/roadways/regions and review the summary profiles.


Cal Poly dynamics laboratory. 


As part of the official program, Cal Poly will be providing a tour of their dynamics laboratory, which is comprised of a full suite of Lansmont Field-to-Lab testing products. Lansmont supports Cal Poly's Packaging Research and Educational activities through our University Liaison Program.

For interest in the Lansmont-CPRTC PRC-PSD Study results, feel free to Contact Me directly.